Registration is mandatory before October 1, 2018 for all participants.
Participation is open to all doctoral students, and their supervisors. It is compulsory for all first year doctoral students (introduction meeting in the morning). Master 2 students are also welcome.
You can submit an abstract for a poster (5 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of questions) or an oral communication (10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of questions) until September 14, 2018.
As a reminder, it is compulsory for all Ph.D. students to present their work at the Doctoral School Day at least once during the course of their Ph.D.
The abstract submission platform is open and will be closed on September 14, 2018. Please respect the requested layout (exemple of layout) and the delay. Late deposit will not be accepted.
The best communications (poster or oral) will be rewarded by several awards. The evaluation is based on scientific and pedagogical criteria.
In addition, this year, FLI will financially support the best communication on the theme of imaging in order to allow the laureate to attend a future conference.
This 23rd EDISS scientific day will revolve around the theme
"New therapeutics"
This year, the invited speaker is Jenny VALLADEAU-GUILEMOND (Inserm - Team Targeting of the tumor and its immune environment, CRCL), who will present her work on
"The role of type III interferon in the anti-tumoral immune response in breast cancer"
The round table will focus on "Immunotherapies and new innovative therapeutics", with the presence of the invited speaker, as well as Christine MENETRIER-CAUX (CRCL), Florence RENART-DEPONTIEU (Erytech Pharma) and Caroline ROZAN (ElsaLys Biotech).
At the end of this 23rd edition of the day of the doctoral school Sciences-Santé de Lyon (EDISS), open to doctoral students of EDISS and students of Master 2, we propose a post-day evening to continue exchanging !
This evening is also open to Master 1 students in order to broaden their network and to reinforce them in their choice of courses through informal exchanges.
This event will happen the same day : Thursday, October 11, 2018, and will start at 7 PM. It is free for the first hundred persons registered.